"Karisma is the key to a lifestyle where I've connected with inspiring people, enjoyed dream-like experiences, and gained access to a network that supports my personal and entrepreneurial growth."
Events Hosted
3 Months
6 Months
per month
Curated community of kreators
Daily business, growth & social events
Weekly business accelerator program
Online community platform
Partnerships & exclusive deals
Karisma merch
Pay now. Cancel or freeze anytime. No hidden fees.
Upgrade your membership to get access to Club Caramel – our intimate coworking space in Born, where kreators do groundbreaking work and collaborate daily in a vibrant, inspiring environment.
How will my life look like if I join Karisma?
What makes Karisma different from other communities or social clubs?
What is Karisma Social Club?
What's the difference between the Community Pass and Resident Pass?
Who or what is a kreator?
Who typically joins Karisma?
What are the requirements to join the Karisma community?
Are there any locals in the community?
What types of events can I expect?
Are there opportunities for members to contribute or host their own events?
What is the digital platform and what features does it offer?
What kind of partnerships do you have?
How can I make the most of the community?
Can I cancel or freeze my membership?
Can your membership be revoked?
Are there any additional costs associated to the Community Pass?
Can I bring guests to events?
What is Club Caramel?
Where is the coworking located?
What are the opening hours of the coworking?